We welcome all first-time worshipers to Holy Trinity.
If you are unfamiliar with the Lutheran Worship Service, do not hesitate to ask someone around you for assistance. Our members want you to feel welcome.
Parents with small children can use the cry rooms (located in the balcony) or the Getter Lounge where the children can walk around and you can still hear the church service. Please ask the ushers for assistance.
Contact the
Mutual Ministry Group
The Mutual Ministry team is here to share your appreciations, observations, gratitudes, needs, requests, puzzles, wishes, excitements and
Whatever you bring to the group is confidential.
You may also bring your thoughts to the Mutual Ministry members in person.
Mutual Ministry members are:
Beth Creekmore
Jack Curie
Becky DeLucia
Allison Hem
Paul Hem
Bev Zmuda