Mission Statement for Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Seek, Serve, and Share Christ.

In prayer and thanksgiving we:

All Services and Events are Open to the Public

Bring a Friend - Make a Friend - Become a Friend

The Food Pantry service is offered Tuesdays, and is available for residents in the 43609 and 43614 zip codes.  Please bring a current utility bill with your name and address for proof of residency.

Our clients are unable to purchase health care items with their food stamps. Please consider looking for sales of the following items:
    Shampoo Bar soap
    Toothpaste Tooth brushes
    Dish soap

The hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.




The Clothes Closet is being offered only on Tuesdays. 

The Clothes Closet is switching to Spring and Summer clothes. T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, light weight jackets, (towels, sheets and blankets are always needed) for our patrons as we strive to Seek, Serve and Share Christ with our neighbors. Just bring your offerings with you on Sunday or drop them off during the week. We will be happy to help you carry them in. 

Just an FYI, we are no longer accepting household items.

The hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 am.


A Casual Time of Prayer and Study.


Private Prayer request can be entered on our web site using the link below:

All Prayer Requests are welcome

When: The Prayer Circle meets Wednesday at 6:00 pm

Everyone is welcome

PRAYER CIRCLE: Forty-Five Minutes in Conversation with God 






 9:00-9:45 - Adult Sunday School in the Chapel *
                   (Focusing on "The Women of Easter" for Lent)
10:00-11:15 - Sunday Service with Communion in the Sanctuary *
10:00-10:45 - Children's Sunday School
10:45-11:15 - Children Join their families for Communion
* Available via Zoom


Each week, we celebrate our Sunday Service with communion at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary.  These services are open to everyone  - Young or Old.  Children are welcome.

Adult Sunday School
(Open to all from 8th grade and up.)


Zoom Coverage opens 30 minutes before the service for you to chat with others who are attending the service via Zoom. The Zoom Ministry, allows everyone to attend our services from your remote locations and is encouraged if you are traveling our just feeling under the weather.

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE - March 30th , 2025 - Fourth Sunday in Lent



Last year Bishop Daniel Beaudoin chose the word "Rest" as our word of the year. This year the word is "Listening" Below are weekly activities to help us in our year of Listening.

Week 1 - March 9th to March 15th 

 "Light from You obtaining ... "
Take an outdoor walk and take notice of the changes of the season, especially the lengthened days with more light present. How does it feel to focus on the light?

Week 2 - March 16th to 22nd
"Make our hearts your dwelling, ev'ry carnal thought dispelling."
Reflect on the confession found on ELW pg. 240. What role does the practice of confession play in your faith life?

Week 3 - March 23rd to March 29th
"Hear the hymn ascending, songs of saints and angels blending ... "
Seek out old recordings or memories from your church's past and reflect on how the church's Song has moved from the Saints before us and continues. What part might you play in this choir of saints?

Week 4 - March 30th to April 5th
"Come, celestial Being, make our hearts your dwelling ... "
Take a moment to contemplate the stars in the sky at night. What does it feel like to reflect on God as a celestial Being?

Week 5 - April 6th to April 12th
"As the tender flowers, willingly unfolding ... "
Do some gardening as the spring "flowers unfold". Meditate on this.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, along with the South Toledo Lutheran Parish will present Mid-Week Lenten Services each Wednesday during Lent.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
1825 Glendale Avenue, Toledo, OH 43614
Phone: 419.382.5644 

These services are open to the Public, and Everyone is invited to join us.

So he told them this parable: Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

Luke 15: 1-7